Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete

RAAC or Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete is likely a name you have never heard of until recently when it was discovered in Schools which resulted in them being closed. What about homes in general? Is there anything to worry about?

BTL Gaming, what is it?

A term you may or may not be familiar with is BTL Gaming. What is it? Can you do it? Should you do it? The short answer to the last two questions is no.


Equity release in Scotland, how much can you release?

Equity release is a more and more popular way of helping out in retirement. More than ever given the struggles being faced by everyone. A difficulty many face is having easy access to some numbers to give an idea of how much equity you can release.

How does a valuer determine the value of your home?

How does a valuer value your home? I get that type of question a lot. Many people ask because they don't believe a valuer has got it right. So how do they come to a particular figure?

Private landlords are downsizing

Some grim news for renters is that around 40% of private landlords are downsizing their portfolios according to recent research. Market conditions resulting in unfavourable tax along with interest rate rises and other concerns are making it more difficult.

Inflation down nearly 1%

Inflation has fallen again, down 0.9% on last period brought on mainly due to falling energy bills. It's not all good news though as the underlying trend is that inflation is increasing. It's a cautious but welcome improvement though.

Being a co-borrower on mortgage with child

What are the downsides of being a co-borrower on a mortgage with you child. Is it advisable? That's a question posed by a visitor who understands the obvious risks but wanted another opinion.

Interest rate rise to 5.25%, the end may be in sight!

Whilst reducing inflation is the primary goal for the MPC and despite it coming down last month, the MPC was expected to increase the interest rate again this month. And they have, a further 0.25%. However, there may be signs that this could be the last, maybe.

5-year fixed rates now average 6%

If you thought it was bad enough that the average 5-year fixed rate mortgage to now be an average of 6%, the unfortunate follow-on from that is that I don't think it's reached the point where we can say the worst it over.

UK Mortgage Charter

The UK Mortgage Charter is an agreement by principal mortgage lenders in the UK to support customers anxious about high-interest rates and provide support for those who may get into difficulty.

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