Interest rate rise to 5.25%, the end may be in sight!



1 min read

Whilst reducing inflation is the primary goal for the MPC and despite it coming down last month, the MPC was expected to increase the interest rate again this month. And they have, a further 0.25%. However, there may be signs that this could be the last, maybe.

Last month I predicted a 0.25% increase in the base rate, which was based on inflation behaving better. That is exactly what has happened.

The voting

There was an entire committee of 9 for the vote. 6 voted to increase by 0.25% 2 votes to increase by 0.5% and 1 voted to maintain.

Member Direction Amount
Andew Bailey (Governor) increase 0.25%
Ben Broadbent increase 0.25%
Jon Cunliffe increase 0.25%
Huw Pill increase 0.25%
Jonathan Haskel increase 0.5%
Catherine Mann increase 0.5%
Dave Ramsden increase 0.25%
Swati Dhingra maintain ---
Megan Greene increase 0.25%


The positive news previously reported is that inflation is trending down. CPIH Reduced from 7.9% in May to 7.3% in June. Whilst that is indeed positive there remains some uncertainty that it will continue hence a further increase in the base rate to 5.25%.

My prediction for the September MPC meeting is largely in line with my previous prediction. If inflation continues to fall in September then I expect rates to be held at least for one period. If there is any 'wobble' in inflation the the base rate may be increased again.

Lee Wisener, CeMAP, CeRER, CeFAP

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