Grenfell Tower Enquiry Report

Today, the Grenfell Tower Enquiry Report was released. Am I surprised at the outcome? No, but I am surprised at just how scathing the report has been of everyone, right up to the government level.

Inflation on the rise again

Inflation has risen following a decent downward run. What does this mean for prices and, more importantly, for mortgage holders regarding interest rates?

Interest Rates Fall to 5%

In a surprising move the Bank of England has reduced interest rates by 0.25% in a pretty close vote.

Interest held again at 5.25%

And interest rates are held yet again at 5.25%, not what I was expecting at all!

Inflation falls to 2%, will interest rates follow?

Inflation falls to 2%, back in line with normal levels.

Mortgage arrears are up

Mortgage arrears have increased 4.2% in the first quarter. It's grim out there, but I remain hopeful interest rates will move down soon.

Inflation returns to 'normal' at 2.3%

Inflation returns to a more normal level of 2.3% close to being within the target of 2%.

Interest Rate held at 5.25%

Interest rates have once again been held at 5.25%.

Equity Release figures for Q1 2024

Q1 2024 equity release figures have been release and this part of the industry is doing surprisingly well.

Wood Burning Stoves Banned in Scotland!

Wood-burning stoves are banned in Scotland, but what is the real story here? Can you have one or not?

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