Register of Overseas Entities

The Register of Overseas Entities came into force in August 2022. What is it and is it working? The suggestion is not so well with close to half of the entities required to register doing nothing so far. Although that is not necessarily the whole story.

Home Energy Performance Explained

As we continue into 2023 with high energy costs expected to be a headline throughout the year, Energy Performance Certificates (EPC) are often in the news. I thought an article explaining these in more detail would help understand their purpose.

Consumer Duty

The Financial Conduct Authority is introducing new regulations in July 2023 called Consumer Duty. It is said to be one of the biggest shake-ups in regulation for over a decade.

Freehold or Leasehold what do they mean?

Wherever purchasing a property in the UK it will usually be on a Leasehold or Freehold basis. It may even be a Leasehold with a share of the Freehold. What does this all mean for the purchaser? Let's find out.

Inflation explained

There has been a lot more talk about inflation in recent weeks and months. More than usual that is for sure. When speaking with people about the economic position I find many don't really understand inflation in that much detail. No issue with that, all most want to know is how it affects them so don't spend time understanding it. I have put together this short guide to give more but not a huge amount of detail on the subject.

Stamp Duty Explained

stamp duty on property is payable when purchasing property in the UK. There are different rates and in fact different names across England/Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. In any event, the principle and broad application are the same. Sometimes it is not that easy to understand what stamp duty would be paid. This guide should help with that.

Arrears & Repossession

Arrears & Repossession is not something we ever want to find ourselves having to deal with. None of us intentionally put ourselves in such a position but it happens. This is a review of the process in general.

Understanding an SPV

Understanding an SPV is beneficial for anyone working in or aspiring to work in a part of the mortgage industry that deals with this type of borrower. Here I will explain what it is.

Valuation Report Types

Guide to mortgage valuations - Did you know there were as many as 8 different types of property valuation? This guide will explain the most common ones. Whilst most will have a basic valuation report often carried out by the lender it can get complex at times.

Mortgage Affordability Guide

Mortgage Affordability can be a complex area. Since 2014 changes in the way affordability is assessed by lenders must take many elements into account. This can often go against borrowers either in terms of how much they could borrow or if they can borrow at all. This Mortgage affordability guide should help understand the process.

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