Lifetime Mortgage Guide

Lifetime mortgages are becoming more popular and many homeowners are taking advantage of them to release equity from their homes to support retirement. Are they right for you? Do you understand them? That is what we are going to look at in this guide.

What is a Consumer Buy To Let Mortgage?

Having A Consumer Buy To Let (CBTL) mortgage indicates that the borrower did not intend to become a landlord. And for that reason, the regulatory requirements differ from those that did intend to become a landlord.

What is a mortgage prisoner?

Mortgage prisoner is a term heard more often these days, what does it mean? Simply put it refers to those borrowers who cannot due to either current lender restrictions or affordability requirements switch to a different product or lender for a better deal.

Flying Freehold Explained

When it comes to mortgages, what is a flying freehold? It's explained here.

What is a foreign Currency Loan - FCL?

What is a foreign currency loan? The Mortgage Conduct of Business defines what this is in relation to mortgages. Let's take a look at what that may mean for you in relation to a mortgage.

Purchasing listed buildings Scotland

There are many listed buildings in Scotland, not all are as out of reach in terms of value as you may think. However, purchasing a listed building comes with responsibilities and potential costs that you need to consider.

Decision in Principle

Before you decide on a property to purchase you can obtain a Decision in Principle which gives you confidence a mortgage should be available. Should being the key here, it is not a guarantee.

Joint Tenancy / Tenancy in Common benefits

Joint tenancy or tenancy in common? What do each mean, which is more beneficial for you? Do you even need to know! Find out a bit more in this post.

Chancel Repair Liability

How would you know if a property you were purchasing came with a responsibility to repair your local church? The answer is that you should know otherwise it could cost you a lot more than you bargained for.

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