
As this is a blog that touches on many subjects related to areas that are heavily regulated topics I feel it necessary to make it clear what this site does not offer.

This is not an official site of any type, it is simply a personal blog which I created out of interest in the property industry. It does not offer advice that you can or should rely on to make decisions or have a claim against the site or me in the future should you rely on something seen here.

When making financial decisions where you are not entirely sure of the risks or implications you must always consult a suitably qualified professional. It is the only way to ensure you are protected in the event something goes wrong.

We all refer to the internet for information these days, it has a wealth of information on every subject. The accuracy of that information can vary significantly. In addition, the information you find could simply be out of date and no longer accurate. Never fully trust what you see in isolation, always verify it.

Lee Wisener CeMAP, CeRER, CeFAP, CSME