Affordability test for a BTL?

A question from a visitor on whether or not applying for a BTL will require an affordability test or not. In most cases it should not but there are exceptions.


BTL Gaming, what is it?

A term you may or may not be familiar with is BTL Gaming. What is it? Can you do it? Should you do it? The short answer to the last two questions is no.


Private landlords are downsizing

Some grim news for renters is that around 40% of private landlords are downsizing their portfolios according to recent research. Market conditions resulting in unfavourable tax along with interest rate rises and other concerns are making it more difficult.

What is a Consumer Buy To Let Mortgage?

Having A Consumer Buy To Let (CBTL) mortgage indicates that the borrower did not intend to become a landlord. And for that reason, the regulatory requirements differ from those that did intend to become a landlord.

Can't get a BTL without providing personal income

A question received on Buy To Let, the visitor has been struggling to get a BTL mortgage with lenders insisting that he provides proof of his own income and outgoings, why?

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