Mortgages for wealthy people are easier and cheaper

It may seem obvious that mortgage for the wealthy are easier and cheaper but it's not really about unfair advantages as some would suggest.

51% of new Scottish mortgages are first time buyers

More new Scottish mortgages are being taken out by first-time buyers based on comparisons between 2022 and 2023.

Interest rate rise to 5.25%, the end may be in sight!

Whilst reducing inflation is the primary goal for the MPC and despite it coming down last month, the MPC was expected to increase the interest rate again this month. And they have, a further 0.25%. However, there may be signs that this could be the last, maybe.

Interest rate rise to 5% in further blow to borrowers

Although there was a glimmer of hope in the weeks following the last rate rise, inflation has let us down again which has resulted in the base rate being moved up 0.5% to 5%.

Financial Ombudsman's view on setting upper age limits on lending

I have written previously around the maximum age it is possible to have a mortgage. some lenders are more flexible than others but the Financial Ombudsman Service has published more information that is telling lenders to be flexible.

Strong demand freezing out 1st time buyers

Strong demand for property in Scotland is freezing out 1st-time buyers due to significant bidding over home report value. The result is that those that have managed to save still don't have enough.

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