Why do mortgage lenders refuse to lend?

Sometimes lenders refuse to lend, and they don't have to. But then it's useful to know why and what you can to find out why.

Will my benefits count towards income for a mortgage?

A question I have received previously asks whether benefits can count towards mortgage affordability calculations. The simple answer is yes, they can; the long answer is below.

Rejected due to credit search, lender refuses to explain why

A visitor recently had a mortgage declined due to the results of a credit search; she was confused as agencies searched showed nothing, and the lender refused to share any information.

How to beat the mortgage affordability test!

How do you beat the mortgage affordability test? That is, if you couldn't get a mortgage by telling the truth, what are your options? Ok, let's talk about it.

Being a co-borrower on mortgage with child

What are the downsides of being a co-borrower on a mortgage with you child. Is it advisable? That's a question posed by a visitor who understands the obvious risks but wanted another opinion.

Is Critical Illness insurance worth it?

Is Critical Illness worth it? That is a question I have received. Not such an easy question to answer as it really depends on the individual and their needs.

Will removing the affordability stress test help me?

I have been getting a few questions all with the same theme around the removal of the affordability stress test. Understandably many are still confused as to what it actually means for them when it comes to applying for a mortgage and what the impact or indeed benefits are.

Is buying a home worth it?

A question from a young man in Inverness contemplating one of the biggest decisions he will face. Should he buy a house? Will he be able to afford it with all the rising costs and so on? These are good questions to be asked and always best asked before actually going ahead.

As a mortgage sanctioner do you always follow policy?

I am a mortgage sanctioner and have had the following question from a mortgage advisor that found the site recently. Interesting question and it is one that I am sure many wonders about when it comes to someone that approves mortgages.

The effect of missed payments due to COVID

The end is in sight for COVID restrictions. Well, we hope it is. Many have missed payments on a range of accounts due to being furloughed or losing a job. How will it affect you in the future?

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