The debt you know nothing about?

When applying for a mortgage one of the most important things you can do is know at least the same as the lender will when they carry out all of their affordability checks. Claiming not to know about an unpaid debt is not going to help you.

Is a 40-year mortgage too long?

Being able to evidence affordability for a mortgage these days is more difficult than ever. The solution to getting what you want may lie in a long term but how long is too long for a mortgage? 40 years?

Indemnity insurance Benefits

Indemnity insurance is something you won't know you may need until someone tells you. Often it is used to provide protection against the unknown. In this case, an extension was built without planning permission.

Lender refuses to share valuation

Can a lender refuse to share a valuation is the question being asked from this email received recently. It is an interesting one and does often cause confusion amongst many. So let's have a look at it.

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