Pladda Island for sale

Pladda Island is available for purchase by auction. At offers in excess of £350k, it will offer a few challenges to anyone considering living there but what a spectacular opportunity. Situated to the South of Arran it offers 28 acres of space as well as a lighthouse and helipad.

Mortgage arrears drop by 10%

UK Finance has reported that the number of customers with mortgage arrears has dropped 10% year on year. The only area that was up was the early arrears customers by 1%.

DWP - Changes to Universal Credit

From September 2022 changes to Universal Credit are being introduced. It is expected over 100,000 claimants will start being pressured into getting a job or even one that pays more to avoid work reviews.

Is Purplebricks in trouble? Probably

Purplebricks is an online estate agent. They have full UK coverage and do well in terms of property sold but the issue is that they are simply too cheap! Yes you heard that right. 2021 accounts reveal a reduction in revenue of £20m with overall losses for the year at £42m.

0.5% Increase to interest rate

It comes as no surprise that when the Monetary Policy Committee met today they agreed to increase interest rates. It was almost a given that it would be a 0.5% increase.

Will removing the affordability stress test help me?

I have been getting a few questions all with the same theme around the removal of the affordability stress test. Understandably many are still confused as to what it actually means for them when it comes to applying for a mortgage and what the impact or indeed benefits are.

Knockderry Castle for sale

Knockderry Castle is interesting as a Scottish castle for sale but also for some other reasons, namely the current owner and her history in relation to not paying her bills which have led to the sale after she was evicted in March. Although nothing to do with bills on the property, more on that later.

Barclays buys Kensington Mortgages

Barclays have announced they are purchasing Specialist Lender Kensington Mortgages, subject to regulatory approval for a price around £2.3bn. It is one of the more interesting deals in the market of recent years.

Affordability Stress Test is going!

Following on from a previous post I wrote in March around a consultation being run by the Bank of England regarding the removal of the mortgage affordability stress test, the result is in. Surprisingly it is going to be removed from the 1st August 2022.

Interest rates move to 1.25%

The Bank of England increased rates again today, from 1% to 1.25%. It was not unexpected and a further increase is anticipated next month. Whilst it does not have a significant impact for most it is adding up to a significant amount when you consider this is the 5th rise in recent months.

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