Damage From Trees

Trees are pretty but trees are also destructive when growing too close to a property. They don't even have to be within the boundary of a property you own or are buying, it could be a neighbour's tree which can be an issue in itself.

Dry Rot, Wet Rot & Woodworm

Wet and/or dry rot is not that uncommon on a property. Although it is often caused by poor maintenance it can be hidden and not noticed until it's caused too much damage or as many buyers and sellers find out, it is a valuer that finds it when inspecting a property. Even Woodworm is often left unchecked until a valuer inspects.

Is buying a home worth it?

A question from a young man in Inverness contemplating one of the biggest decisions he will face. Should he buy a house? Will he be able to afford it with all the rising costs and so on? These are good questions to be asked and always best asked before actually going ahead.

BTL - A Landlords Perspective

Guide to Buy to Let - Are you considering purchasing a property for investment purposes? This guide from a landlord's perspective may give you some useful insights. Yes, I am the Landlord, I purchased a property for BTL about a decade ago.


Affordability testing is changing

There have been many articles circulating in the media for the last few days claiming lenders are getting tough on the cost of living crisis. Some inflammatory commentators suggest lenders are deliberately squeezing some borrowers out of the market and other frankly wrong comments.

Mortgage Affordability Guide

Mortgage Affordability can be a complex area. Since 2014 changes in the way affordability is assessed by lenders must take many elements into account. This can often go against borrowers either in terms of how much they could borrow or if they can borrow at all. This Mortgage affordability guide should help understand the process.

Lifetime Mortgage Guide

Lifetime mortgages are becoming more popular and many homeowners are taking advantage of them to release equity from their homes to support retirement. Are they right for you? Do you understand them? That is what we are going to look at in this guide.

Spray Foam Insulation & Mortgages

Most when thinking about loft insulation probably see those rolls of insulation you get at a DIY store. You roll them out between the joists on your loft floor and roof and it helps keep the heat in. There is another type. Spray foam is sometimes used instead. Unfortunately, issues with some types of spray foam are emerging.

What is a Consumer Buy To Let Mortgage?

Having A Consumer Buy To Let (CBTL) mortgage indicates that the borrower did not intend to become a landlord. And for that reason, the regulatory requirements differ from those that did intend to become a landlord.

Lomond View Country House

One stunning location to live in Scotland is right on Loch Lomond, with the view of the Loch right out of your window and access to the Trossachs National Park there are few opportunities to own a property in this area simply because they rarely come on the market. Lomond View Country House is however available for the moment.

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