Lomond View Country House


Interesting Property

2 min read

One stunning location to live in Scotland is right on Loch Lomond, with the view of the Loch right out of your window and access to the Trossachs National Park there are few opportunities to own a property in this area simply because they rarely come on the market. Lomond View Country House is however available for the moment.


Loch Lomond is as picturesque as Scotland comes. The countryside around it provides you with many opportunities to get lost in the splendour of the scenery. I was fortunate to spend many weekends on the Loch as my parents had a boat there and I was always willing to leave everything in the city behind to spend a weekend on the islands with friends and family, Barbeques and just generally the most amazing weekends.

There are not that many opportunities to own a property like this one as they simply don't come on the market that often, and with good reason, owners don't want to part with them.

Lomond country house is set just back from the shore of Loch Lomond in Tarbert which is a slightly quieter part of the locations around the loch. It benefits from being very close to the shore of Loch Lomond with stunning views across it. It is also a fairly short drive to the top of Loch Long, about 30 mins away.

Business Opportunity

The property was or maybe still is a Bed & Breakfast. From TripAdvisor, there is not a bad review out of 75 in total. Although the last review was in 2019 which suggests it is perhaps no longer used for this purpose. It is certainly big enough for those with a view on it being used for this purpose.

The Property

With 6 bedrooms, large living spaces and plenty of gardens it is an ideal family home, Bed & Breakfast or if you are like me a fabulous hiding space in a spectacular location.

At the front, the garden does slope down quite a bit but there is lots of space around the property itself and I suspect there is a spot that will catch the sun at whatever time of the day.

The property appears to be well maintained and other than decorating to your taste it is ready to move straight into. One thing you won't need to worry about is those views which will always deliver!


The property is on market for offers over £725,000. In Scotland, you can often expect to pay 15% - 30% more than this. As always it depends on the valuation and number of interested buyers. I can't imagine this being about for long. It is being marketed by Clyde Property in Helensburgh. You can see the property listing on their site here for as long as it is available.

Lee Wisener, CeMAP, CeRER, CeFAP

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