Pladda Island for sale


Interesting Property

2 min read

Pladda Island is available for purchase by auction. At offers in excess of £350k, it will offer a few challenges to anyone considering living there but what a spectacular opportunity. Situated to the South of Arran it offers 28 acres of space as well as a lighthouse and helipad.


Pladda Island is around 1km long, covering 28 acres and close to the Isle of Arran. It was first established with a lighthouse in 1790 and occupied until 1990 when it became an automated facility and is currently uninhabited. It has its own power supply and freshwater source.

The history predates the creation of the lighthouse by a couple of hundred years. It has been recorded that there was a church or chapel on the island as far back as 1400-1500.

The Island is currently privately owned. It was sold in 1990 by Arran Estates.

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What you're buying

Obviously, the entire island is being sold so any purchaser will own it entirely along with everything currently on it. In terms of what you get on the island there are:

  • Lighthouse
  • Lighthouse keepers 5 bedroom cottage
  • A separate small cottage
  • Various outbuildings
  • walled garden covering 2.5 acres
  • Helipad
  • Jetty with a boathouse
  • approx 6 acres of the island is grazing

The island does not appear to have in any if indeed any use since the lighthouse was automated in 1990 so the condition of the properties, in general, is such that everything requires significant work should there be a plan to live on the island.

The walled gardens appear to be ideal and have been used in the past to grow fruit and vegetables. All overgrown now and again will require work should they once again return to producing food.

With power, water and deep pockets the island could be whatever a purchaser wants it to be. Although I suspect it will pass into the hands of another private purchaser who will simply leave it as is without turning it into a home.

The only way to the island will of course be by helicopter or boat.

Breeding birds

The island is considered an important breeding ground and stop-off point for migratory birds. Over 100 species have been observed there. Arctic terns in particular breed on the island. Any purchaser will need to allow that to continue without interference.

Ready to purchase?

If you are interested then the sale is being managed by Knight Frank, you can find out more here.
The price is offers over £350,000. The closing date for offers is 12 noon on the 29th of September 2022.

Lee Wisener, CeMAP, CeRER, CeFAP

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