UK mortgages for non-residents can be problematic

How easy is it to obtain a mortgage in the UK if you don't live in the UK? Certainly not as easy as you would if you lived here but it really all comes down to knowing where to look. But, each lender will have different application criteria.

Joint Tenancy / Tenancy in Common benefits

Joint tenancy or tenancy in common? What do each mean, which is more beneficial for you? Do you even need to know! Find out a bit more in this post.

Rate switch, Will reduced income stop it?

With COVID and other factors, many find themselves on a lower income. If you want to change your existing mortgage to a new deal can you do it even if you can no longer meet an affordability test?

Using a pension for affordability support

We can draw pensions as early as 50 in some cases and we living longer, so it stands to reason that we may have a mortgage at retirement and only a pension to support it. Is using a pension acceptable?

Stress test means I can’t get a mortgage

Many consumers are still struggling with the concept of the mortgage stress test to meet the affordability of a new mortgage. Whilst it can be frustrating, I do have a guide that can take the pain out it.

Forced Sale Value on Valuation Report

Valuation reports often contain items that you may not be familiar with. One that some see referenced is the 'forced sale value', what does that mean?

Valuer missed Woodworm

What if anything can you do if you find an issue such as woodworm in a property you have purchased and the valuer did not notice it? Do you have a claim? Maybe.

Reassignment of purchase

Something that is becoming more and more common is buyers purchasing property off-plan and then selling them later without actually ever paying for it. This is where reassignment of purchase or reassignment of contract comes in. Some lenders don't like it.

Cladding three years after Grenfell

3 years after the Grenfell tragedy the property market is being clogged up by delays caused by red tape. Is there any progress actually being made in ensuring not only the safety of existing buildings but also those being built now and in future?

Reduce spending before a mortgage?

When applying for a mortgage, should you reduce your spending in the months prior if you are able to know far enough in advance you intended to apply for one?

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