0.5% Increase to interest rate

It comes as no surprise that when the Monetary Policy Committee met today they agreed to increase interest rates. It was almost a given that it would be a 0.5% increase.

Barclays buys Kensington Mortgages

Barclays have announced they are purchasing Specialist Lender Kensington Mortgages, subject to regulatory approval for a price around £2.3bn. It is one of the more interesting deals in the market of recent years.

Interest rates move to 1.25%

The Bank of England increased rates again today, from 1% to 1.25%. It was not unexpected and a further increase is anticipated next month. Whilst it does not have a significant impact for most it is adding up to a significant amount when you consider this is the 5th rise in recent months.

John Lewis to build 10,000 homes

Last year John Lewis the High Street and online retailer which also owns Waitrose announced it was moving into house building. They are not for sale though. The plan is to build up to 10,000 homes for rent on sites they already own.

Interest rate moves to 1%

Another bleak day for borrowers, the interest rate is increased again to 1% following a 0.25% increase. As I have said before, there is more to come so act now to lock in a good rate if you are able.

Half of UK adults dont understand mortgage process

Insurance provider PaymentShield carried out a survey recently that suggested 52% of adults aged between 18-34 said they did not understand the mortgage process. That is a worrying statistic for a society that has such a large reliance on being homeowners.

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