Half of UK adults dont understand mortgage process

Insurance provider PaymentShield carried out a survey recently that suggested 52% of adults aged between 18-34 said they did not understand the mortgage process. That is a worrying statistic for a society that has such a large reliance on being homeowners.

Purchasing under Market Value

Purchasing a property under market value does not mean a lender will allow you to use the market value when it comes to LTV. That is what one visitor found out when they thought a bargain home had been found. There are other aspects to purchasing property under market value.

A mortgage for live-work units, feasible?

When is a home not just a home? It could be that it is also a workplace. Commonly referred to as a live-work unit, many lenders are reluctant to lend against this type of property and I will look at why here.

UK mortgages for non-residents can be problematic

How easy is it to obtain a mortgage in the UK if you don't live in the UK? Certainly not as easy as you would if you lived here but it really all comes down to knowing where to look. But, each lender will have different application criteria.

Joint Tenancy / Tenancy in Common benefits

Joint tenancy or tenancy in common? What do each mean, which is more beneficial for you? Do you even need to know! Find out a bit more in this post.

Stress test means I can’t get a mortgage

Many consumers are still struggling with the concept of the mortgage stress test to meet the affordability of a new mortgage. Whilst it can be frustrating, I do have a guide that can take the pain out it.

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