Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete

RAAC or Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete is likely a name you have never heard of until recently when it was discovered in Schools which resulted in them being closed. What about homes in general? Is there anything to worry about?

Equity release in Scotland, how much can you release?

Equity release is a more and more popular way of helping out in retirement. More than ever given the struggles being faced by everyone. A difficulty many face is having easy access to some numbers to give an idea of how much equity you can release.

What's the highest age you can have a mortgage?

How old is too old? That is a question I get quite often in relation to mortgage lending. More and more want to borrow later in life, the issue is whether lenders are willing to allow some to borrow due to their age. So where is the line drawn?

Property related Podcasts

It's not always about reading articles on blogs, there are plenty of property and mortgage-related podcasts out there which are great to listen to as you walk or when having some quiet time. Here are a few I listen to that are great.

Over 10,000 homes in Scotland worth £1m+

For the first time ever the number of properties in Scotland valued at £1m or more is over 10,000. Half of them are in Edinburgh.

Have a great christmas and new year

It's that time of the year again, hope you all have a great Christmas and new year.

Find me on Mastodon

Following the Twitter changes resulting from Elon Musk buying the company, many are trying out Mastodon, including me. You can find me over there. Find out a bit more about it in this article.

Best mortgage rates October 2022

Taking a looking a the mortgage rates in the market as we approach the end of October the position is that rates are continuing to increase. This is expected to continue into November 2022.

Inflation breaks 10%

The latest inflation figures are out, not a surprise but CPI has broken the 10% mark again. CPIH is currently 8.8%. Whilst the increase is unlikely to have a significant impact on its own that still doesn't detract from the point it is getting worse.

John Lewis to build 10,000 homes

Last year John Lewis the High Street and online retailer which also owns Waitrose announced it was moving into house building. They are not for sale though. The plan is to build up to 10,000 homes for rent on sites they already own.

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