Mortgage Blog

This is a personal mortgage-related blog. Whilst I do my best to ensure everything contained in here is accurate and up to date, there are times when it may not be. Also, double-check information regardless of where you see it on the internet. If you are visiting this site as part of information gathering, please always consult with a suitably qualified professional before making any material decisions related to mortgages.

Bank of England Interest Rate is 5.00%

Last movement, 19-09-2024 No Change

Recent Posts

Mortgage Calculator

Check out our Mortgage Calculator to understand what you will pay whether on a Capital Repayment or Interest Only basis. Also understand the impact stress rates being applied could have on payments.

Grenfell Tower Enquiry Report

Today, the Grenfell Tower Enquiry Report was released. Am I surprised at the outcome? No, but I am surprised at just how scathing the report has been of everyone, right up to the government level.

New Tax Guides

I have been asked a few times to create some guides on Tax in the UK. Many people are confused by the rules and, in fact, what taxes can affect the majority of us at some point in our lives. I have put a new section together for these.

Inflation on the rise again

Inflation has risen following a decent downward run. What does this mean for prices and, more importantly, for mortgage holders regarding interest rates?

Young people relying on influencers for financial understanding

A worrying trend in the finance industry is that young people rely on influencers, particularly from social media, to understand financial matters. A new report suggests an increase in young people using this approach to learn.

Fears of US recession as stock market plunges

Over the last couple of days stock markets have fallen quite significantly, fears of a recession in the USA are fuelling the fall. This could impact the UK in many ways should the decline continue.

Recent Guides

Stamp Duty Calculator

If you need to know what stamp duty will be paid on a property purchase, I have that covered as well. Click below to see the calculator which covers all regions in the UK.