Private island of Vaila for sale at £1.75m


Interesting Property

5 min read

Who doesn't want to their own private Island? Ok you are more likely to want it in the Bahamas, but If Scotland is on your list of desired locations then what about the island of Vaila? A private Island in the Shetlands. It even comes with a Skeleton!

The isle of Vaila gives you the opportunity to own a private island in a remote location with simply breathtaking scenery all year. Yes, it will be cold! But you have to appreciate that the best buys are not always in the warmest locations :)

Some history

The isle of Vaila's history can be traced back thousands of years. Neolithic and Bronze Age remains have been found on the island. Around 1490 the Norwegian Clske family estates were divided up and became the property of Alv Knuttson. Scotland had annexed the Shetlands as their own some years before so there were various claims as to who really owned this and other islands.

After generations of ownership by Norwegian landowners Vaila was passed to Gorvel Fadersdottir who granted a lease to Robert Cheyne, confirmed by King James VI in 1576. It was then passed to James Mitche of Girlsta and then to his descendants, the Scotts of Melby.

IArthur Anderson (co-founder of P&O Ferries) set the island as his base for the Shetland Fishery Company after leasing the island from the Scotts Family. This was seen as a pivotal moment in the area. It broke the power of the lairds in the Shetlands who held complete control of the fishing industry in Shetland.

The journalist John Sands lived on Vaila during the 19th century.

The Centrepiece property on the island Vaila Hall was built in the 1890s by Herbert Anderton, a Yorkshire mill owner who purchased the island around the same time. There are few if any finer properties across Shetland. It is suggested that the property was built using ornamentation used from many parts of the world, the stone griffins on the property were brought from Germany. The Andertons had plans to expand the accommodation on the island further with a chapel and staff accommodation but the 1st world war ultimately stopped that happening.

The Anderton family sold the island in 1993 to the current owners, Richard Rowland, a solicitor and his wife Dorota Rychlik. It is they who are currently selling the island.

An unusual folk tale had been recorded by Martin Martin in the 17th century.

The inhabitants of the isle Vaila say that no cat will live in it, and if any cat be brought to it, they will rather venture to sea, than stay in the isle. They say that a cat was seen upon the isle about fifty years ago; but how it came there was unknown. They observed about the same time, how the proprietor was in great torment, and as they supposed by witchcraft, of which they say he then died. There is no account that any cat has been seen in the isle ever since that gentleman’s death except when they were carried to it, for making the above-mentioned experiment.

The Shetland Islands consist of around 100 islands at the crossroads of the North Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.

The island today

The island itself sits in the West of the Shetland Islands. It is separated from mainland Shetland by Vaila Sound. It is only a 10-minute boat ride from the mainland and 27 miles from the capital of Lerwick.

Today the island is used as an organic farm by its current owners. It is visited by a variety of birds including fulmars, great skuas, kittiwakes and puffins. There are also estuary birds which include curlews, snipe and oystercatchers. The area is also frequented by otters and orcas.

What is included in the sale

It goes without saying the island in its entirety is included in the sale. In addition to the centrepiece property of Vaila Hall, there are several other usable buildings as well as several ruins. The main features included:

  • Vaila Hall
  • Walled gardens
  • Mucklaberry Tower
  • 142 acres of grazing and 581 acres of hill grazing hill. The island covers 757 acres.
  • Cloudin Farmhouse
  • Caretakers Cottage
  • Shore Base located on the mainland
  • Two Piers on Vaila
  • Various farm sheds and ruined cottages

Vaila hall is a 3-storey property with original 1800s furniture included, stone fireplaces (you will need them), stained glass windows, a great hall, 6 bedrooms and more. Plus you have all of the history that goes with this magnificent property. It's not in the best nor the worst condition.

The walled gardens consist of 3 laid-out areas within stone walls. They are mature and well-established.

Farming on the island includes a variety of organic plantings. There is a flock of 200 purebred Shetland ewes, although not clear if these are included in the sale!

Mucklaberry tower is a 2-storey symmetrical castellated tower. It has a B listing with Historic Scotland. The current owners have restored the tower. It is not used as accommodation, but more a folly to enjoy the views it offers.

Having the benefit of the Shore Base on the mainland makes it very convenient to access the island by flying to Sumburgh Airport from which you can then drive to the Shore base and access your boat for the short trip to the island and vice versa.

At offers over £1,750,000, it may not seem too bad given it is a private island and all that it contains. Just bear in mind you would have the Shore Base on the mainland to maintain and the costs of repairs/renovations not to mention more development on the island won't be cheap due to the island's nature and remoteness.

Skeleton Bonus!

The island is also home to a 42-foot sperm whale skeleton. It is said to have washed up on the island around 2000. The island's current owner refers to it as "Bony Dick" in a nod to Moby. Image Below in the gallery.

Some of the available images of the island are below.

The property is being marketed by Savills in Edinburgh. You can see the listing whilst it's still available for sale here. Full credit to Savills for some of the images below and the others to their respective rights holders.

Lee Wisener, CeMAP, CeRER, CeFAP

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