Mortgage Complaints 2020/21



2 min read

Mortgage Complaints made to the Financial Ombudsman Service are produced on a regular basis. For the most recent year figures have been released and it shows an increase.

Mortgage Complaints made to the Financial Ombudsman Service are produced on a regular basis. For the most recent year figures have been released and it shows an increase.

The Ombudsman report a total of 454,259 new enquiries received with 278,033 new complaints recorded, covering all sectors, not just mortgages. Some granular details below.

Complaints about Total Number
Banking & Credit 170,648
Insurance 44,487
Investments & Pensions 20,854
Payment Protection Insurance (PPI) 42,040
Total 278,033

Mortgage complaints are included in the Banking & Credit category. Much of the increase is attributed to COVID. Difficulties both for clients who have experienced difficulties as a result of COVID and the industries struggle to ensure service levels are maintained with so many staff working from home.

A specific note mentioned that many of the new complaints still related to historic lending. PPI which is a lingering product and cause of complaints remains the highest single reason for complaints.

The FoS also note that many complaints would have been avoided with better communication.

Mortgage complaints specifically

Drilling down into the detail of mortgage complaints it is clear the numbers are increasing, again, largely due to the difficulties faced by everyone due to COVID. The numbers below.

Mortgage Type Total Number of Complaints
Residential Mortgages 13,034
Non-Residential Mortgages 916
Equity Releases 588
Home Purchase Plans 35
Total 14,573

It is also worth noting that with the exception of Pensions, Mortgages are the least complained about product. General banking products such as current accounts, cards, savings and so on generated 116,000 complaints. Insurance complaints were 70,000.

I am not suggesting it is good enough to be that low, more can be done.

On a positive note, the majority of complaints were resolved by the lender rather than the Ombudsman.

Of all mortgage-related complaints that reached a stage where the Ombudsman was asked to make a decision on a complaint, 21% were upheld.


Another year, but a very difficult year for everyone. Most complaints are valid, I am always going to be balanced it is important to recognise the difficulties lenders have experienced.

Could you imagine if COVID had hit 20 years ago when Working from Home was not an option? Being able to access client information remotely would not be an option and we would have been in a significantly different position.

Poor service is poor service, it affects consumers in many different ways can cause financial stress and loss so it is important to stay focussed on what consumers are complaining about and what we as an industry can do to improve.

Lee Wisener, CeMAP, CeRER, CeFAP

Having worked in the mortgage industry for over 20 years I have always wanted to build a website dedicated to the subject. Also being a geek when it comes to the internet all I needed was time and I could both build the site from scratch and fill it with content. This is it!