Interest rates rise to 3%



1 min read

Unsurprisingly the Bank of England voted in favour of increasing the base rate again this month. That takes it to 3% with one more increase anticipated before 2022 draws to a close.

Today the base rate was increased from 2.25% to 3%, a 0.75% increase. The single highest increase in 30 years. When the Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meets there are 9 members each with a vote. All 9 voted in favour of increasing the rate.

The voting in detail.

Member Direction Amount
Andew Bailey (Governor) increase 0.75%
Ben Broadbent increase 0.75%
Jon Cunliffe increase 0.75%
Huw Pill increase 0.75%
Jonathan Haskel increase 0.75%
Catherine Mann increase 0.75%
Dave Ramsden increase 0.75%
Swati Dhingra Increase 0.5%
Silvana Tenreyro increase 0.25%

Predictions for 2022

Analysts and industry commentators continue to predict that the base rate will increase again by the end of 2022. So one more increase to follow and not a surprise as inflation continues to rise. Already the expectation is another 0.5% or 0.75% increase at the next MPC meeting which would see the base rate rise to as high as 3.75%.


Many analysts continue to suggest the position will get much worse into 2023. Although previous predictions of a 6% peak have been reduced to around 5%. Some mortgage lenders have started to reduce rates on products after swiftly increasing them in recent weeks.

Lee Wisener, CeMAP, CeRER, CeFAP

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