2 Bed Cottage in Loch Nevis with a whale?


Interesting Property

2 min read

A remote property at Ardintigh on the shores of Loch Nevis and a 60-ton whale on the beach. There has to be more to this property and you are correct!

A property fit for those that want the most spectacular scenery away from the crowds. Located in Ardintigh Bay on the shores of Loch Nevis. Yours for £700,000 but there is probably some wiggle room on that.

The particulars do not mention it but it's hard not to notice the large whale on the beach, I suspect it is not included in the price but you never know!

Property & Location

The property is 7 miles from Mallaig, about 50 miles from Fort William and 155 miles from Glasgow. Nevis is a sea loch opening up into the Sound of Sleat opposite the Isle of Sky.

For the purchase price, you get 8 acres of land, 7 buildings, your own jetty and of course the most spectacular views in Scotland.

There is a catch to this property though. There are only three ways you can get to it. By foot, your own boat or Ferry to Tarbet which is South East of the property. But even after getting the ferry you still need to walk to get there. So this really is a private haven.

Included in the property is

  • Two bed stone cottage
  • A two-storey timber lodge
  • Five more lodges to accommodate up to 24 guests
  • 500 metres of your own coastline
  • Your own hydroelectric power supply
  • There is an existing ruin on the grounds which has potential for development.

Whilst it is still for sale you can view it here.

Certainly, a very unusual purchase that will require a more unique way of living. It will not suit someone who is used to a fast-paced way of living, you will need to get used to waiting.

Business Opportunity

On looking a bit more it seems it is currently used as an outdoor centre, owned by adventurer Tom McClean. He was the first man at age 26 in 1969 to row west to east across the North Atlantic.

The Whale!

It is part of the outdoor centre. Moby is a boat, the only of its kind. 65ft long, 25ft high and weighs an incredible 60 tons.

It might not be something you can keep though. Tom McClean is intending to travel in it from London to New York for his next challenge. Good luck with that!

Here is a drawing of the interior.

Always a delight to find an incredible property for sale and there is much more to it than first appears. Gallery of images below.

Lee Wisener, CeMAP, CeRER, CeFAP

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